There is such thing – male dog habits, in general, are correct, we love men, “this is the case.” Sex is important part in a relationship, and without it, love is not love for us.
And although the depth of relationships is determined by many factors, sex plays a crucial role in them. The evidence for this is the results of studies, according to which the main cause of divorce is sexual dissatisfaction. Such studies were carried out by the French, the British and the Americans, I am sure that in this respect we are not very different from them.
And therefore, if you want to be successful in your personal life, male habits must be taken into account. What is in a new relationship, what is already established, the difference is small, if a man is satisfied with sex with you, consider that he is on a silk leash. And although, of course, we are all individual, we can safely identify the principles that are characteristic of most of us. Most men consider the sex ideal: He enjoys “driving” his partner in bed, because this indicates that he is cool and skillful. A woman’s contentment flatters a man’s ego.
And therefore, FIRST ADVICE: look in bed for what you like most in the first place, and do not hide the pleasure.
In sex, as well as in food, variety is important. For men, this is very important, the habitual and often repeated bores them faster than women. If you do not want boredom to settle in bed, strive for novelty. Any variety is welcome here.
SECOND ADVICE look for new recipes for love cuisine, just as you do with food.
In sex, emotionality is important, and for a man this is very important. Men adore women who love sex, and the expression of emotions is the main indicator here. It can be tender sensuality, or it can be outright lust, but it is emotions that make sex passionate.
THIRD ADVICE Splash emotions during sex, absolutely not holding back.
No matter how some men pretend and no matter what they say, but in their hearts they love “harlots”, that is, women who are active and enterprising in sex. The desire of a partner is the best aphrodisiac for a man, and it turns him on the most. There is nothing more stupid than holding back, denying yourself the desire to just fuck a man. Most men will be delighted with such aggression.
FOURTH ADVICE Feel free to take the initiative in sex.
Most men are experimenters at heart, and sometimes they want something unusual or extreme, and even more so in sex. This is one of the manifestations of their creativity. And here the very fact that a man decides to do this with you is important. This means that he will trust you, and after all, sharp emotions are incredibly close.
FIFTH ADVICE Be always ready for experiments in sex.
The most boring sex is planned, and the most emotional is sudden and unpredictable. Such sex is most exciting and most memorable. Even if it’s just an unexpected burst of lust, it’s valuable to you and your relationship.
SIXTH ADVICE: Catch every opportunity to have sex suddenly.
Every man has different needs, but everyone would like to have sex whenever they want. You can refuse to satisfy a man’s desire once, the second … and nature will take its toll, he will certainly be pulled to the side, or he will eventually cool off towards you.
SEVENTH ADVICE: do not deny a man sex if he wants it, because you have a lot of opportunities to satisfy him.
It may sound a little strange, but that’s how it is – successful. For a man, sex is both pleasure and self-affirmation at the same time. It is important for him to know that the woman liked the sex. Telling a man that he has failed in bed is a serious blow to his ego. This is the biggest mistake you can make.
ADVICE EIGHT: Admire a man in bed more often and never criticize him.
Of course, I understand that this last (eighth) advice can make someone wince, not only does a man need to be indulged in bed, but he also cannot be criticized there. But this is how to perceive the whole topic. If it’s like a game where you have all the cards, then why not. And, besides, take a look at the first tip, so enjoy yourself in bed with the help of a peasant, if you were there together. Hope you don’t mind? Then master the art of love better and spend more time on a heavenly cloud. And in general, sex is a useful activity for a woman, so it’s worth knowing the “dog habits”.